Vegan Spicy Tofu and Black Bean Tacos

The yummy continues! We recently got a Costco membership… dangerous. A pack of 3 firm tofus… $4.99. Like I said, DANGEROUS. Pretty excited to get healthy food for cheap.

This super hot weather is perfect for tacos and old classics. I recommend this dish with The Slackers.

Once again, this recipe is an adaptation from a recipe I recently found online. Whole Foods posted this delicious recipe!


Ingredients: (recipe below with adaptations)

  • 1 (14 ounce) package extra-firm tofu, drained
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon taco seasoning
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 1 (15 ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed
  •  corn tortillas, warmed (gluten free)
  • 3 cups shredded green leaf lettuce
  • 2 cups chopped tomatoes
  • 1 1/2 cup shredded cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese (Use Daiya to make vegan)
so fresh!

so fresh!


Put tofu, chili powder, oregano, cumin, coriander and salt into a bowl and mash together with a fork. Set aside.


crumble into small pieces

awesome blend of spices

awesome blend of spices

Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and two-thirds of the red onions and cook until fragrant, about 2 minutes. Add tofu mixture and cook, stirring occasionally, until most of the moisture has evaporated, 10 to 12 minutes.


Add beans and remaining red onions, stir well and cook until beans are heated through, about 5 minutes more.


Spoon tofu mixture into tortillas, top with lettuce, tomatoes and cheese and serve.


5 ways to get happy.

It’s the new year and everyone is scrambling to find ways to adjust their life to be “better.” This morning after my spin class, I walked into the next studio placed my mat down and had a snack. While munching on my nuts people began filling the yoga studio in droves. Do not get my wrong, I think yoga is amazing and we should all find something to do to help us take a moment to breath, but those who were running for the studio door were entering for the first time… they were new years resolution folks.

From what I have witnessed resolutions seem lofty and hard to sustain, which ultimately leads to disappointment. Further, these big shifts in lifestyles often suggest that who you are NOW isn’t who you should be. Resolutions don’t push you to progress and grow over time, they ask you to dump who you currently are and become someone else.

Yesterday I sat with an old friend and sipped coffee. We talked about life, love, and all that jazz. My friend spoke of her relationships, work, and adventures and then frankly stated “I’m just happy.” She then followed up this statement with “I know that’s weird to say.” I think she is right, we don’t normally just take in moments to recognize when we are happy. We are always looking to plan what’s next, what could be better, what else could I have…. And while I think planning and growth are beautiful… we need to just take a moment and stop to see how great things are.

I did not set a new years resolution. I am trying to get back to being balanced after the holiday season and continue doing things I love. I have found a lot of happiness in  simple little choices I make in my everyday life. I am going to share these little things because… well… I am happy. My little choices will also lead to a healthier me. I want to continue recognizing what makes me happy because it is a part of who I already am and will continue to foster growth within me.

so maybe there is a new years resolution in there after all 🙂

5 ways to bring balance back into your day

1. Incorporate nuts and greens into my day.. at least two times a day. I try to have a green shake for breakfast with a handful of nuts and a salad with seeds for lunch. I just feel so light and clean when I consistently consume these two items.

Wholefoods fruit and nuts mix is 110 calories for 1/4 cup

Wholefoods fruit and nuts mix is 110 calories for 1/4 cup

2. Take sometime to breath and not think of anyone else. THIS IS NOT SELFISH. I do this each day at yoga. I know not everyone does yoga, but YOU time can be done through music, meditation, running… whatever.

vintage lady

Isn’t this woman such a babe?

3. Read. With work I often forget to read things I actually enjoy. Its so wonderful to just forget about things and scan a blog, book, or magazine. Reading helps me feel connected to the outside world, it brings a sense of community to my sometimes isolating work schedule.

one of my favorite blogs.

one of my favorite blogs.

4. Fresh food. My body yearns for fresh food right now. After the sugar of the holidays and so much bread… I can hear my stomach say “feed me fresh greens.”


I endorse the spinach, not the popeye plot lines… hello glorified domestic violence

5. Doing something you’re passionate about. Let me first say, I want to close the achievement gap. However, my greatest passion is not education equality.. rather its making an equitable society for men and women. I think education is a HUGE part of our great inequality but its not what REALLY makes me tick. Going into this school year I knew that I could no longer just rely on work to help fuel my passion for change. I needed to reconnect to my roots and find an organization that spoke to my values and tried to change our patriarchal system in a HUGE way. I am currently a member of the Young Activist Council for CAASE (Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Expolitation) and could not be prouder of the work CAASE does for the Chicago community, women, and our society. Chicago aims to end sexual exploitation through policy, advocacy, law, and education. They have broken huge ground over the years and will continue to make major changes in the way we understand and view sex work, sex trafficking, sexual assault, and gender equality.


Holiday Left Overs Done Right

Do you have random amounts of left overs from the holidays? We do and the random odds and ends can be annoying. Last year we discovered the PERFECT way to remedy this situation… Stuffing Quesadillas.

First I have to say that I LOVE STUFFING. My entire life I thought it was gross and I think that’s because it was always a boxed brand that required chicken broth. I no longer have such ill feelings towards this holiday treat. During Thanksgiving I made stuffing from scratch and it was yummy, however the best stuffing ever comes from a bag. I am referencing the cranberry stuffing from Wholefoods. I don’t know what it is about this stuff but HOT DANG… its so good.

stuffing_mixFor Christmas I prepared a 4 course meal. We did not eat this meal though. Late Monday evening we were asked to join friends for Indian food and Jewish shenanigans. We took the offer and put all of the food in the fridge. I was okay with this choice because I did’t put a ton of effort into dinner.

One of the dishes I had prepared for us to eat was the 365 stuffing. I did not use all of the recommended butter and I added Seitan strips to the mixture. The directions on the bag call for the mixture to soak in butter and water. During this process I placed the seitan in the pot so that it would also soak up the flavors.

I took pictures of the finished product however they were accidentally deleted. You must trust that these are delicious!

Leftover Stuffing Quesadilla


  • 2 tortillas (if you are trying to watch your diet I recommend 1 “roll up” for 90 calories)
  • 1/3 c of part skim mozzarella OR brie if available *Ideally you just use whatever cheese you have leftover, however these two compliment the stuffing well
  • Leftover gravy (we made cremini mushroom gravy)


1. Spray non stick pan with organic PAM or butter lightly.

2. Heat pan on medium heat and place assembled quesadilla into pan.

3. Brown both sides of tortilla until crispy.

4. Re-heat gravy while quesadilla cookies

5. Remove tortillas, cut into forths and serve with gravy.

Now that those leftovers have been eatten, clean out the fridge and cleanse yourself of all of the holiday treats (that’s what I am trying to do!).